Dody and I arrived on Thursday and settled Itchy and Eli into their pens. We were riding the 25 on Friday and dressing up as Robin Hood and Maid Marion so we spent the better part of the day getting our costumes ready. We vetted in, visited with friends and enjoyed the environment of ride camp.
Ride morning opened quietly with only 26 horses combined for both distances. Dody and I rode off in our outfits and began to heat up pretty quickly. I really had hoped to see Becky Pearman earlier in that loop so we could start taking off layers! It was a lovely trail and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.
First loop of the LD: Photo By Becky Pearman
My favorite magical picture! Photo by John Pearman
Photo Becky Pearman
We vetted through well and enjoyed being able to crew from our trailer. We were out at 10:19 for a 10 mile loop. I really enjoyed being at this new venue because it gave us the chance to experience different trails. We picked off quite a few horses on this loop and ended up coming in at 11:33 for an 8th place position out of 14. He finished with really good vet scores and was cleared to head back out on the second day.
Second loop of the LD: Photo Becky Pearman
Day Two arrived and I had committed to doing the 50. I was also sponsoring a 16 year old named Brooks Prater in her second 50 and her horse's first 50. The goal all around was completion. I set out to allow Eli to hit his optimum efficient speed and he did not disappoint. We were out at 7:30 and came back in off our 20 mile loop at 10:28. We had started in the back of the pack and we were still there at this point. We had almost missed a turn on the first loop, but luckily Vance Stine saw us and got us on track before we had gone far. Brooks was excellent company and her saddlebred gelding Oreo paced well with Eli. We had sprung a shoe on that loop and luckily for me, my farrier, Tim Worden, was on site and he borrowed some tools from Scott Carroll and Dana Reeder and tacked my shoe back on. Thanks to Scott and Dana!! You saved my life.
Eli trot out on Second day: After first loop of 20 miles
On the second loop we also had to cover about 20 miles. We were out at 11:28 and came back in at 2:21. Eli was a rock star and kept churning out the miles. His work ethic and tenacity continue to amaze me. We passed a few groups of horses on this loop and kept up our steady pacing.
Eli trot out on Second Loop: 40 miles down for day two: 65 miles down for both days in the sand
Eli on the Second Day: 50 miles first loop: Photo Becky Pearman
We were out on our last 10 mile loop at 3:19. We took it pretty easy and walked a good bit to make sure the horses were in good shape. We came in at 4:46 in 17th and 18th place. Brooks ended up first junior. Eli vetted through terrific and his trot outs were awesome all day. Eli was high mileage horse for the weekend and looked amazing with no stiffness at all. I could not have asked for a better ride from him.
Finish!! 75 miles down!